I have communicated with 26 of the psychics. Some arent even on the site now. I have given reviews of several of them. I feel I cant give a review on the rest because the time-frame of their predictions have not come to pass. Will update later when I can be accurate on my assessment with the rest.
I find it strange that people comment how "nice" they are. Of course they are. Its called having repeat business. I view this site as entertainment; however, I would like predictions from the psychics just to see if it comes to pass. I dont use it as a friend to talk to or a counselor to pour out my problems. I hope no one uses this site as sound judgment on what you should do with life decisions. Use your common sense. But for fun here are some reviews.
Fern -I am sure Fern is a nice person but she didnt answer my question. She repeated what I told her. She just changed the wording around. She took my question and made a statement. There were no predictions on her reading.
Diane - Diane gave a very general answer that honestly didnt fit the question. Perhaps she didnt read my question.
David- David was correct on an answer but he told me I would be meeting someone new. Didnt give me a timeframe or any details. So far I havent met anyone and its been months.
Janet- She gave me an answer I didnt want to hear but it was correct. Good advice but no predictions. I feel like this site is a counseling site instead of psychics.
Tommy- Tommy was incorrect on his prediction. Told me only one question at a time. Sorry but if a psychic cant give me more details, I cant continue with them. Details and answering more than one question keeps bringing customers back.
Christina also answered incorrectly and told me one question per text. Just like tommy I wont use her again.
April- well...she gave a ton of details. Told me what I did not want to hear but told me what I now know is the truth. So, she was right with prediction. She gave me another prediction, again very detailed, but I wont know if its real for another year. I will give an update a year from now.
Dora cracks me up. Shes comical and has given predictions with details that havent come to fruition. She made one very bold statement that was VERY off base. However, she is uplifting if you like advice. I can go to a counselor or my friends for that so I wont be using her again.
Joseph - way off on prediction. Disappointed. Many have said they like a males opinion so if u r looking for a males point of view go for it. I just prefer a prediction not a male friend.
Dinah- had major typos so I didnt understand her text. Asked again and she messed up the next text. The part I could understand...she was wrong with her prediction or at least her timeframe is off. Wont use her again. She wasted my money.
Courtney- totally contradicted herself on the same subject. So, its a 50/50 shot. LOL. Wont use her again either.
Nancy- she keeps insisting that I will be getting back with my ex. No timeframe given. She gave good advice. Prediction hasnt come true and I dont see it coming true.
Samantha - yikes. Way off on predictions.
Nathara- I thought she was right on about my love life but she told me I would be changing careers. Uhhhh I dont think so. I love my career.
Amber- Ahhh Amber sweet Amber. Everyone talks about how sweet she is and she is sweet and kind. One prediction somewhat came true but Her other predictions have not come true. She is bold and gives details and I like that but she seems to not like to give people bad news so she kind of skirts around the issue. She tells me that she will meditate on me and my situation or will be thinking about me. For some reason I think she will. I assume this is why we all think shes so nice. Perhaps she is off on dates of her predictions. If so, Ill give update later. As for now though he predictions havent come to pass.
Barbara - is highly uplifting. She makes you feel like you can conquer the world. Her predictions havent come to pass yet and its way past her timeframe. When I told her that her predictions didnt happen she said she was shocked. I dont see them coming true but if so Ill give an update.
Monica - she is insisting that I will reconnect with my ex at the end of the summer. I truly dont think so b/c I am not interested in him. She isnt detailed and kind of repeats the same thing in her text.
The remainder of the psychics still have some time left on their predictions. Will give update later this fall.
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